Chibamba Kanyama Set To Release Second Book

5 05 2011

Business economist and journalist, Chibamba Kanyama, is set to release his second book, less than a year after launching Business Values for Our Time, a book that has since sold 4,000 copies.

 The new book ‘ACHIEVEMENT VALUES for Young Adults’ will be launched in August and will be marketed internationally. Kanyama said in a statement, ‘I was motivated to write this book because the first book did not address the crisis of unemployment and dependence among young people. We must create self-motivated change-movers in a competitive world.’

 The book takes young people through the journey of life; from the time they leave college to final settlement and success in a job or business . ‘Many young people, particularly in our country, need further mentor-ship in values that drive social and economic success. We must create a winning generation from among our people. Having been exposed to the SABMiller family, I realize we need to do a lot of work to orient our young ones to aspire for success and top managerial positions,’ said Kanyama.

 The writing process started with a workshop that brought together diverse young adults who established areas of critical challenge and opportunity in life.

 Kanyama added: ‘I also realized late last year my first born son was completing Grade 12 and needed guidance from me so that he could find space in a world of immense opportunities. This is the letter that becomes the precursor to the book.’

 The content includes discovering self and building an identity, making decisions, envisioning and planning your future, leaving home and family, the power of leverage, choosing a career, winning in the work place, investing your money and finding a marriage partner. The book also contains Action Points by Carol White, former Managing Director of DHL-Zambia. It also contains appendices on careers, business ideas and managing drug abuse.

 The forward has been written by Bishop Joshua Banda, a PhD scholar with the University of Oxford and current pastor of Northmead Assembly of God. Endorsements to the book have been made by Zambia’s young achievers in business, academics and careers. These are Maureen Nkandu Mundea, Prof. Kenneth Mwenda, Martin Kalungu-Banda and Mukwandi Walusiku Chibesakunda.

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